Sep 7Liked by Ben Hunt

Ben, I love that you are looking at this topic. I was hoping to attend Bitten’s Food Addiction Conference due to be held in Bristol in May 2020 but it was cancelled due to Convid. Bitten did however put me in touch with SugarX Global though which I am still a member of (non participating for the last year+) and I did her Sugar Assessment test (which declared me a pathological sugar addict basically) although it still didn’t change anything. Then through Jeremy Ayres, you and Phil Escott I learned more about carnivore and have been trying ever since to go strict carnivore but until right up until nearly 2 weeks ago, I was still succumbing most evenings to some carb/sugar.

So yes for me I do have to see it as an addiction (as opposed to a choice) and not a cult I want to stay in (condoning the odd bit here and there). As an ‘addict’ (and I don’t like to label myself with that word particularly) I have to be a total abstainer and not a moderator*. Having said that, I am on holiday at the moment with (very normie) friends for a week (in Greece!) and I am going along with the Greek yoghurt and local fruit being served to me at lunchtime but apart from that I am sticking to strict carnivore (skipping the cakes, ice cream, bread and alcohol and goodness knows what they tuck into every day (but still having fun!). My big test will be coming home next week and not continuing in holiday mode (with the Greek yoghurt and fruit). Mustn’t be tempted to bring back some Greek honey either 😎 So grateful to see your Substack pop up just now! It was so good to see/listen to your thoughts.

* it has taken me decades to accept this too.

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Thanks for commenting Claire. I totally empathise, the struggle is real! I do think it's accurate to call ourselves addicts. The simple fact is that 99% of our society are sugar addicts, even though they don't know it or admit it. You have the, "Yes but these are healthy fruit sugars" people, the "Complex carbs have a lower glycemic index" people too, never mind the majority position, "A little bit of what you fancy does you good tho!" :-) Our society has been MADE to be addicted. It's like Soma, we are a drugged people, and I believe it's deliberate. The stuff is added to over 70% of ALL grocery items in the United States as well.

Of course the old saying stands for us, individually and collectively: Until we admit we have a problem, we are powerless to do anything about it.

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